Saturday, November 29, 2014


Today is the end of a very busy week.  The floors just need a layer of poly gloss and then they will be done.  One more large room was added to our floor list, so that slowed us down a bit.  The last ceiling has been painted and we're working on prepping the walls to paint 2 more rooms.  After that there is more baseboard to put up and a lot of trim work to be done.  So much work and so few days! The weather has still been very nice.  We are getting spoiled.  It will be a shock to go back to the cold and dark!  Next week will hopefully see the completion of some rooms.  We are working on 6 at present.  None of them have been able to be used for over 5 years, so we are excited to get them opened up again.  Thank you for all your prayers.  We are tired, but the work continues to go smoothly, for which we are very thankful.